These are excited and exciting times in which we currently live and work. Many of us may experience for the first time what it means not to go to the office to do our daily work – if that is even possible. Most of us at We4IT are used to working in a home office as we are spread all over the country. So it is not such a big change and we are still 100% dedicated to our customers. It’s rather the things of everyday life that present us all with new challenges, like shopping or spending leisure time (outside). But it is also a little bit like our daily work: patience and prudence will lead us to our goal. In these times, when, for example, large presence events such as an Apple Keynote, concerts or festivals such as “Rock am Ring”, trade fairs and sports events are not taking place at all or only online, it is all the more pleasing when “normal” life does take place after all. This is also true for the release of HCL Domino 11.0.1 and HCL Volt.



HCL Domino 11.0.1 is a small milestone in the product history. This release brings a lot of little things “under the hood”, which were not yet considered in the December version 11 or have been noticed by beta tests and practice. We all know the mantra: never use a “zero” version. Here you go, 11.0.1 is now here and brings even more stability, security and bug fixes – just as it should do. HCL shows again that they deliver as promised. The complete fixlist is available here.


Speaking of the ecosystem: by now, almost all knowledge base articles and posts have been transferred from the IBM bubble to HCL, and Google’s index is also gradually updating itself – this is essential and very helpful. HCL Volt was available as a public beta since the beginning of March. Now (since 15.4.2020) it is available in version 1.0 as a finished product to the Domino Server. Customers with a corresponding FlexNet Entitlement can download and install it. HCL Volt is the low-code platform on Domino, suitable for small teams who want to quickly make an app available for data collection – instead of sending Excel sheets via email. The amount of features and fixes from the beta tests that have found their way into the product is amazing. The feedback during the beta phases was also extremely extensive – thanks to the great community! We4IT had also put HCL Volt through its paces and distributed feedback.


Back to Remote-Working: many people have searched and found solutions in the last weeks to make working from home possible. There are many solutions for video conferencing. It is worth mentioning that HCL also has a solution in the pipeline: Sametime, now in version 11. There are some changes in this version: persistence, new interface, new streaming options. Sametime uses Jitsi as streaming engine. This is more secure and resource-saving than e.g. Zoom or Skype. We could already get a first impression of it about 4 weeks ago when we held our DNUG-HCL meeting in virtual form – just thanks to the contact restrictions. It was the first time in this manner, but it worked. Although of course everyone missed the conviviality of a real regulars’ table with food and drink, the core message could get through to everyone. This is also the credo of the upcoming events, which are now also virtual or online, such as the DNUG. Further information about this can be found here.

The last weeks were instructive and the coming weeks will be as well. There is a solution for almost everything. But the message is: stay calm, stay in solidarity and above all: stay healthy!

Oliver Busse