Normality is slowly returning to our world, including work life. The home office is still the preferred place to work at, and many will certainly continue to do so – and that’s a good thing. We have learned that this is how it works. Various tools help us with our daily tasks – apart from e-mail & co. Today, the focus should be on applications that you want to make available “just quickly”.
Often it is the small things in a company that give administrators and developers (if available) headaches. How often it happens that lists are created and maintained in departments using Excel or simple text files. These are then sent back and forth several times and supplemented. Not many customers use cloud solutions like Google Docs or Office 365 (recently called Microsoft 365).

HCL Domino Volt

The topic of low-code apps has dominated the community since the end of last year, when HCL released the first version of Volt. In the meantime we have arrived at version 1.0.0 fixpack 1. The release cycle for Volt is 6 months for major releases and as you can see with fixpacks as we are used to from other products like Domino in between. The installations are more than simple and mostly done within minutes.

Differences Aveedo and HCL Domino Volt

With Aveedo, we also have a solution in our portfolio that addresses the low code issue – and beyond. What HCL Domino Volt currently can’t deliver, Aveedo does with ease. Especially in the area of workflow, the differences are still significant. However, this will certainly be put into perspective in the future.
We therefore find HCL Domino Volt very interesting and do not see it as a competitor to Aveedo, but rather as a complement. We have to make a clear distinction here:

HCL Domino Volt is intended for new applications that even a non-developer wants to create. It is not suitable for modernizing existing Notes applications.
This is where Aveedo comes in. Aveedo serves exactly this niche. It puts a new face on old applications and makes them browser-enabled – including various benefits like versatile workflow out of the box.

HCL Domino Volt at DNUG #47

Due to the current situation, the current DNUG #47 is not a presence event, but “only” takes place online over several weeks. So far this is going very well. In the context of this we participated in the workshop on Volt. Here we designed a complete application with a simple workflow within a short day. Besides regular joint sessions, the work was done individually with the help of a handout, so that each participant created the application for himself according to instructions. In the process, the participants got to know Volt themselves and also the possibilities it offers. After the work blocks, there was a Q&A session after each of them – all in all a good format and very well organized and presented by the HCL colleagues.


In summary: our toolbox has a new tool that we also offer as SaaS – besides Aveedo of course. HCL Domino Volt is available as part of the Domino license at a small additional cost. Feel free to contact us and we will calculate your future Domino environment including low code possibilities.


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