Email organization in everyday life – How to save time and stress! Everyone knows it – we receive e-mails all the time and everywhere. Some of them are incredibly important, others don’t interest us at all. Already when opening the e-mail inbox, our body sends out increased stress hormones. In order to keep the overview […]

In the recorded live session from CollabSphere 2020, Oli and Mika show you the benefits, features and connectors of our Outlook add-in Mailissa.

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E-mails determine our everyday life and are an important means of communication. Often, e-mails contain information that should not only be made available to the direct recipient. The bad habit of making the distribution list as large as possible is often the only variant of “sharing”. However, information and especially file attachments are often included, which should possibly also be made available to team members in the background.
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Oh, how many times have we heard this from our customers:

“We now have our mail in Outlook at Microsoft 365, but now what do we do with the Domino applications we previously used with mail?”

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Recently the latest update for Mailissa has been released. In the course of the update many functions were revised and some new ones were added. In the following you will find an overview of the most important changes and innovations. Read more