As of 01.08.2019, Mika von Essen has continued his training as an IT specialist for system integration at We4IT. The focus of the training will be application development and other activities in the We4IT cosmos.

On this occasion, Mika wanted to leave a few words about himself and the training here:

“At the age of 22, I have already experienced a lot: high school graduation, FSJ, business informatics studies and now the apprenticeship at We4IT. My enthusiasm for computer science has of course been around for a long time, but it wasn’t easy for me to find a way to turn it into a career.

After I did my FSJ in Bremen directly after graduating from high school, I started my studies in the field of business informatics at the CvO University in Oldenburg in October 2016. After two, sometimes more and sometimes less successful semesters, I changed to the course of studies in economics with a focus on computer science in the winter semester 2017/18. Since this also didn’t really meet my expectations, I broke off the chapter of studying in Oldenburg for myself last spring.

That’s why I’m all the happier about how the last 4 months have gone and what a time lies ahead for me at We4IT. The teamwork and everyday working life is just as it was conveyed to me in the job interview – human, team-oriented and practical. I can help shape the content of my training and there is a good mix of personal responsibility and guidance. I am looking forward to everything that is yet to come!

With this in mind,


If you are also interested in an apprenticeship at We4IT, then apply now at or here.