Cognitive technologies have an ever-increasing economic impact and play a crucial role in more and more business processes. In order to meet the rapidly growing requirements in the development and support of projects and products with artificial intelligence, the We4IT GmbH will continue to expand the existing business unit Cognitive Solutions under the new brand JAAI – JUST ADD AI. For this the JUST ADD AI GmbH was founded.

Unlock Human Talent: By automating activities that are repetitive and time consuming, new freedoms are created to unleash the full potential of human talent.

JUST ADD AI uses the most recent AI technology to immediately add value with customized solutions and intelligent products. The typical ROI of the projects is less than 12 months, and the long-term benefits exceed the costs many times over.

In addition to advising companies on the feasibility and the best strategies for using artificial intelligence, JUST ADD AI also creates holistic concepts and implements solutions efficiently and agile. In addition to using state-of-the-art technologies from Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft and others, JAAI also develops its own neural networks and algorithms.

To ensure compliance with the highest levels of privacy and data security standards, JUST ADD AI solutions can be implemented not only in the cloud, but also on-premises, in-house, or in a hybrid setup.

The aim of outsourcing is to leverage the synergies between the companies to the maximum extent, while at the same time successfully building up completely new independent businesses with a specialized company.

For more information, visit the JUST ADD AI website.